Friday 5 March 2010

Friday 5th March


everyday things 003

I got the inspiration for this photo from this post.  The blog author is one of the ‘trainers’ on the LOM class.  I didn’t like to have photos around the house until we had children of our own!  Now we have several places for photos, including on this chest of drawers in our bedroom.  From l-r, that’s Merlin in a doggy frame that Lucy bought me for my birthday about 5 years ago, next to that is a picture of Maurice, Nicholas and me taken in 1991 when I was expecting Lucy.  (We used to organise a professional photographer when I belonged to the NCT, and he used to come to our house and set himself up in our dining room.  Other members of the NCT had appointments with him all through the day).  Next to that is a picture of Maurice and me at an NCT summer ball!  Another professional photograph.  Out in front is a picture of Maurice and Nicholas when we were on holidya in Spain in 1999.

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