Wednesday 5 June 2013

May/June craft challenges

I am afraid my May challenge to scrapbook as many online challenges as possible ended up making way for decorating!  I did do all the UKScrappers challenges, and found the fabulous Counterfeit Challenge Blog, so I am happy enough.  Maybe I’ll come back to it in the autumn and have another go.

So for June, I am going to make some bags.  I have a lovely pattern (with a little applique black dog, and sewing kit on the front) from Lynette Anderson that I want to make.  I would also like to make some small bags from the lovely little kits I have been getting from Seamstar.

In the meantime, the sun is shining, it’s nice and warm, and look at all these self-seeded aquilegias that have appeared and overwhelmed one of my borders!

garden 005garden 007

garden 009


Maria Ontiveros said...

Beautiful flowers and stunning photography.

Alison said...

I love the way that aquilegia self seed!...fab pics

alexa said...

Your aquilegia photos are very lovely. I planted some as little plants last year and this year they are blooming well. Hoping they start the self seeding process next year :).